Since the beginning of time, there have been two competing forces: light and darkness.

In this interactive novel—inspired by retro text adventures, dark literature, and nukige—you decide which path to follow.

Upon receiving a cryptic message from your late grandfather, you embark on a journey, uncovering forgotten secrets—long lost by the magi. The path will be filled with obstacles and temptation, so choose your allies with care. Men are capable of both creation and destruction. Will you ascend or be corrupted? Will you remain pure or embrace the wiles of degeneracy?

The fate of the Monastery hangs in the balance...


StatusIn development
Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars
(8 total ratings)
GenreInteractive Fiction, Adventure
TagsAdult, Fantasy, Open Source, Text based, Twine

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Don't know what i did but i broke the game i killed Azrael, picking the light then it plays the darkness path kills Azrael, goes back to being on the light path, clicking on home and then game just brakes apart you get stuck in a loop with washing dishes. While the only way to escape the loop is by pressing the navigate button and travel to the monastery.

Is the game abandoned? Asking because once I get to the spar day, the game just wants me to go back. I can't go on to the next day

Damn, I really like this game. Very nice👌... BUT, are there any news of future updates? I know, updates take a while, I just wanna know if I'm not waiting for nothing, ye know? With the amazing storytelling so far, I will wait😎

Just pushed a quick bugfix.


nice ^^

i saw an update a thought u made a break threw ^^


loving this storyline ^^


ur welcome ^^

I can't scroll down when playing it on browse with a phone.

Is it fixed?

I am not able to scroll in browser. And am using Microsoft edge.

Okay, thanks. I'll look into the issue.


Hello BlackDahliaStudios, i'm here to report the same issue using Firefox.
I do know the story was insterresting though, and wanted to know more.

Thanks! Oh, I believe the problem is because it's being played in browser. If you download it, it might solve the problem.


While it is true, and how i did last time around, i did not find any download link this time.

Yeah, I might have messed that up this time. I'll have to create the download link.

(1 edit)

Is it fixed?



Hope this isn't abandoned


I'm still working on it, albeit slowly recently.

Thank you for the update and for replying my comments but the game wouldn't scroll and there's no download link

(1 edit)

Is it scrolling?


The browser version lacks the ability to scroll, results in getting stuck once there is more text than the screen can fit.

Are you using an iPhone?

Using a PC, though testing with an iPad gave the same result.

For the PC, what's your OS and web browser?

Windows 10, Firefox, though I don't see how it makes a difference since the downloaded version works on the same.

(1 edit)

Strange. I have only encountered the problem on iOS. I'll have to look into it some more.

It's it fixed?

Mostly. Windows works fine. Using an Ipad, well, holding the Ipad in the upright position cuts off the text with no way to scroll horizontally, and trying to scroll up when in fullscreen exits fullscreen, but aside from that it's fine.

Yeah, I should remove iOS from the OS list.

I am trying to install on a android but it will not open to after downloading it on chrome. If someone could help me plz do.

You should be able to open an html file with your web browser. What happens when you try?

Could you please make each platform have it's own file?

It's an html file. It's opens in the web browser. The files would be identical. Other than iOS, I don't think changing the files would do anything useful. It's there a specific reason your ask?

It would make the game a little easier to install on at least any android device. Not sure about other platforms though

Which problem are you experiencing on Android?


I only asked because it would eliminate an installation step on android 


Nice start so far, too bad all paths lead to "see you next update"... Lol. Can't rate the game for that reason, wouldn't want my frustration to influence my grade. Maybe focus on one of the paths (either becoming a better mage through the monastery or just giving in to your symbiot? ally?) and then implement other paths as you go on. Or you could upgrade all paths at once a bit... Both ways have pros and cons i guess...

Now the lack of grade limits the visibility of this game so if you find it great and that you are less of a frustrated brat than i am you definitly should rate it.

Thank you for playing my game!

I'm currently working on The Monastery (has it's own Itch page). It is intended to give the player great freedom on the next portion of their journey. It focuses more on game mechanics in its current state. I will eventually integrate them and make The Monastery a standalone demo. 

As far as the paths in The Archmage, the players voted to develop the home area next. As I continue through development, I plan to develop one major path at a time as far as the narrative is concerned. Hopefully I can finish each one with a proper ending before moving on to the next one, lest I become overwhelmed. Working on all of them at once will almost certainly lead to failure on my part.


I tried The monastery too actually, or the demo of it at least. The lack of background prior to being left on my own baffled me and i thought it was a draft for The archmage. Wich it is i guess, in a way.

But isn't spliting the game in two essentially the same as going both paths at the same time? Given that your patreon chose home... Genuine question, i don't know the answer.

I can relate. I always lacked the focus to stick with one path at a time and end up ditching stories i write for new ones due to lack of inspiration at a given time. Most of the draft i make remain in drawers (or computer folders for VNs) for years. I advance a few of them here and there, but most remain untouched...

Anyway, your game is interresting, i'm curious to see how it will unfold.

They are essentially the same path as far as the narrative is concerned.


My bad


the game needs to be downloaded in order to be played properly, for whatever reason the browser version is busted and you cant scroll through the text (im on pc)


Thanks. Yeah, I'll try to figure that out.

Is it scrolling now?


Wow, the story so far is really good and the setting is interesting! I hope you continue working on this project!

Thank you! :)


For some reason i cant scroll down on the text

(1 edit)

I noticed this is an issue playing on Android with the game embedded in the browser. If you download the game on Android, then it should scroll. Are you using a desktop?


So in the main game I managed to kill Azrael and go back in time by re-reading the letter and taking the entire apprentice course from scratch.

Interesting! I'll admit that I can't seem to replicate this issue. Where were you when you read the letter? Do you have a save file?


I was using the downloaded part and after killing Azrael under the anguish girl's influence and heading home, I opened the box again and it basically just causes a consistent loop. I don't have a save though, sorry about that. Not sure how I'd even share it though if I had one.

(1 edit)

The save files are stored in your web browser's local storage. Thanks for the bug report. It's strange that it is looping. I'll see if I can figure out what caused it.

You can also save to your local computer files.


I know this is early in development, but I kinda feel like I'm missing something important. This game is called The Archmage, but I appear to be in some sort of seminary, with no explanation as to how I got there, and I'm not finding anything related to mages. It's possible that it's just not implemented yet, but that seems odd when that's the name of the game.

(1 edit)

It sounds like you only played the Demo. Try downloading the second file as well. 


Oh, I'm on the client so I just clicked the Install button and launched what it gave me. Guess that defaults to the demo.

But, why is there both a demo and a full version if they're both free?

(3 edits)

The Demo is an isolated portion of the main game. I'm working on it separately to iron out the technical kinks before integrating it. You can see this post for more details:

Does the client not allow you to download the second file? I didn't realize there was a client. I will take a look when I get to my PC.

(3 edits) (+1)

Oh, it does. It's just that it doesn't prompt me for which file to download. I actually have to install the demo first before I am able to manage the installation to also download other files. Which I don't usually think to look for, since the other files are usually versions for other OSes or earlier versions of the game, not supplementary files.

I think you could reduce confusion by calling it something other than Demo. Though I don't really have a good suggestion for what to call it, since this isn't a common method of distribution.

That makes sense. I downloaded the client and now I understand the problem. I attempted a solution. Try the new download and see if it is more intuitive.